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karimgoalsteamStep 9 in my series, The 12 Steps to Achieving Your Goals

Often when we are faced with a goal to achieve, we assume we have to accomplish the goal on our own. Why do we put this pressure on ourselves? This is surely one of the biggest mistakes anyone can make!
There are many, many resources in the universe that we can tap into. We need only ask. Since your ultimate aim is to achieve your goal, does it matter if you achieve your goal on your own, or if you get help along the way?
Enlisting the help of those around you (and I am deeply convinced that most people want to help) makes it much easier to reach your destination.
So enlist every resource you can in helping you achieve your goals. Especially seek the help of experts who can help accelerate your learning, and soon, you will be well on your way to exceeding your goal.
Resources can be people, tools, financial or spiritual systems, or anything you wish. You might also want to include the resources that you would like to enlist, but feel you cannot for one reason or another. Then watch what happens!

I have used as an example for outlining the steps to achieve your goals, my audacious goal to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, one of the world’s seven tallest peaks. I set a clear time frame to reach this goal. My measurement of success was to get to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro at 19,340 feet without endangering my life or those in the group. I defined 10 compelling reasons why I was undertaking the climb and printed these out and kept them with me to review at all times. I defined the key benefits I would gain by reaching my goal. I then defined the defined the consequences of not achieving my goals. Next I defined the many obstacles that were many in my path and then I defined the solutions for those obstacles.
Finally I began to look for resources that I could enlist. I had many friends who helped me achieve my goal. Had it not been for their constant support, encouragement, and assistance, there is no way I would have made it on the trip up that mountain.
The next step: To achieve your goals define what resources you can enlist
Define the resources that you can enlist to help you achieve your goal. Resources can be people, tools, financial or spiritual systems, or anything you wish. You might also want to include the resources that you would like to enlist, but feel you cannot for one reason or another.

My name is Karim H. Ismail and for 20 years I managed multi-million dollar building projects. During that time I developed a system that helped me achieve all my goals. If you want to learn how to achieve your personal and professional goals I would like to share my system with you. I recommend you begin here: